Thursday, March 6, 2008

Bush Mistake

On September 11th , 2001 four planes were hijack by terrorist. One plane crash into the pentagon of Washington D.C., the second plane crash in Pennsylvania, The third plane crash into the first tower of the twin tower and after minutes pass the forth plane crash into the second tower of the world trade center. Bush use the word crusade for the ware because he said it was going to take a while for everything to go normal and because the people were suffering a lot.
Bush was wrong on using the word crusade to describe the war because the crusade were Christian versus Palestine and the Iraq war is based America v.s. South Arabic people. The group of people in the original crusade were catholic church attempting to capture the holy land of Palestine from muslim. So bush made the mistake of calling a war on terror a war about religion and freedom and that’s where he made his mistake.
By: Briandy Perdomo & Johnny Ortiz